U1A is powered by positive power, U2A is powered by negative power, Input-signal is the input signal, the signal is positive and negative, the frequency is lower than 1K, and the amplitude meets the i
How to use the MSP430G22553 chip to design and make a pulse signal tester that can measure the amplitude, frequency, period, duty cycle, rise and fall time and other parameters of the pulse signal. Ca
The temperature sensor on my board does not have a pull-up resistor and displays as follows: The temperature sensor on my board does nothave a pull-up resistor and displays as follows:I would like to
[font=Hiragino Sans GB W3, Hiragino Sans GB, Arial, Helvetica, simsun, u5b8bu4f53][size=3][color=#473b34]Given β=100, what is Vce=? [/color][/size][/font]
[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:44[/i] The Higher Education Press & Xilinx Competition Tianjin Division will start on Saturday, and the competition time is from 8 am to 4 pm