Five-band equalizer composed of LA3600
Source: InternetPublisher:清宁时光 Keywords: Op amp low noise Updated: 2021/08/11
The inside of the integrated circuit is composed of five Gaul, low-noise transistors and related internal resistors and external capacitors to form analog inductors with different center
frequencies. There is also an operational amplifier inside as a common amplifier, and the external potentiometer is connected to the operational amplifier through pins 11 and
12. between the noninverting and inverting inputs of the amplifier . Because it can design
a five-band equalizer with different center frequencies by changing the external capacitor, it is very flexible to use. Figure 4-38 is
a five-band equalizer composed of LA3600 with different external capacitors
. Its center frequency is: 100Hz; 340Hz ,1kHz;,3.4kHz,10kHzo
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