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NI Thermocouple Temperature Measurement

Total of 1 lesson ,4 minutes and 58 seconds

Below is the Chinese translation

A: Place this product around your neck. OK
B: It looks very interesting.
A: We can start.
B: What will we show?
A: When people begin to communicate, the brain begins to transmit neural information, and this product is designed to capture such communication information. The device converts neural signals into speech signals or control signals for moving a wheelchair. The purpose of the development is to give people who cannot speak or move due to illness or injury a chance to return to normal. The project was developed in the laboratory of the University of Inoli, thanks to the guidance of Dr. Andrew Singer, who is here today. Three years ago, we transformed this technology into a product - 'Audeo' and established Ambient.
B: How does it work?
A: The product works based on neural signals sent by the brain when people begin to communicate. Nerve signals are signals used by the brain to control various human functions, including heart control. Now, to get a better understanding of this device, allow me to start showing it off.
B: So how does it work?
A: The device worn around the neck can be thought of as an Audeo sensor, which captures neural activity and performs analog and digital signal processing, passing the signal through a signal line to a running laptop. And you can see that the neural signal will be displayed on the panel as a function of time.
B: Is this what I'm thinking about now?
A: No. In order to show neural signals, you have to initiate communication to stimulate neural activity. Once you start speaking, the signal will be displayed on the panel. Now we can start experimenting.
B: This is really an elegant product.
How does Audeo convert my neural activity into speech signals?
very good!
A: In order to develop the product Audeo, we designed many complex signal processing algorithms.
B: How is the algorithm applied to actual process processing?
A: Digital signals are very familiar to everyone. However, these digital signals are all knowable artificial signals emitted from the device. For biological systems, the physiological signals used by the brain to control neural networks to achieve different functions of the body are ever-changing. In order to develop this system, we collected a large amount of data and applied the graphical programming language LabVIEW to implement the actual algorithm and evaluate the analysis, and at the same time realize the visual processing of the signal.
B: So what instructions does the device use?
A: We have just experimented that neural signals can be converted into language signals. Then, we can also convert these signals into control signals, such as forward, stop, left and right control signals, etc. So we can apply it to control equipment such as wheelchairs. Now, let's introduce Thomas Coleman over there. He is in a wheelchair, but he can use the Audeo device to move the wheelchair automatically without any behavioral control. Generally speaking, wheelchairs require some joysticks for movement control. But for those who lack mobility, wheelchairs cannot be used well. Audeo devices can restore speech and mobility to tens of thousands of disabled people.
B: Wow, what a great product.
Thank you, thank you Thomas.

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