If you want to start a business but don't have much money or want to find a part-time job, please see that this is compatible with your current job and complementary, not conflicting. It does not requ
After reading the tutorials I have read so far, I can only operate the development board I bought, and some of the protocol stack functions are only for the development board I bought. If I want to ma
1. Fatal error jpeglib.h no such file or directory libjpeg62-dev 2.. Fatal error libmng.h no such file or directory Free download address at [url]http://linux.linuxidc.com/[/url] Username and password
In order to adopt interrupt vector remapping instead of rewriting the interrupt vector table, the interrupts used by the APP program and the BSL program are different.A tricky problem was encountered
I want to build a system to achieve high-speed data acquisition, with an acquisition frequency of at least 400MHz. The data collected by the ADC is cached in DDR2 SDRAM through the FPGA. Now I don't k