> Loading file E:\车机项目\A5V5_MA\A5V5_v1\Debug\a5v5.s19 in PROGRAM MEMORY area...
FILE : line 195: Address 0x1019 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 195: Address 0x101A is out of range and is i
Continuing from the previous article, this driver has been unsuccessful in installation from beginning to endI really don't know if there is a problem with the ATLINK of my board or the driver, or if
It's really not easy to do this. I wanted to post it like DAJUN did, but the editor is not working well, so I uploaded it in WORD format. It took me a long time to do it. This post contains the result
Why do some chip pins use 1 as valid (high level valid) while others use 0 as valid (low level valid) when designing chips? Why don't we use high level valid or low level valid? What are the benefits
Use circuitpython to control NeoPixels to make glowing gems, and the shell is 3D printed.[hide]https://learn.adafruit.com/led-emerald-with-circuit-playground/overview[/hide]