I used a relay to switch the positive pole of the 24V power supply. After using it for a while, I found that when I disconnected the relay voltage, the relay was electrocuted but not disconnected.
I would like to ask,MOV.B #001H, &P1DIRDIS.B #001H, &P1DIR,both of these sentences make P1.0 in output mode, but what is the difference in their usage? Why do all the examples use DIS.B? Thank you
目前於台湾地区已被30多所的大学大量采用,作为"嵌入式应用开发"标准课程"嵌入式应用"已经确认为未来最重要的 IT 终端应用的发展趋势,也是国内IT人才需求量最大的领域。然而,由於嵌入式应用的硬件配置复杂、应用需求多样,使得嵌入式应用的教学难度变得极为复杂,特别是教材的设计。有鉴於此,知名科技公司丽台科技特别推出 WinFa
BLE CC2541 as low-power smart hardwareIntroduction: Recently, due to project needs, CC2541 is used to make a smart hardware similar to a Bluetooth bracelet, which can collect human body temperature, d
This time, based on the timer's PWM output and segment code display, the function of a PWM generator is realized.
Based on LCD_TK.
Use the upper 4 digits to display the period, unit 10
[color=#404040]It is a well-known fact that smoking is harmful to health, but for smokers, smoking is like an addiction that is difficult to control. They always want to smoke when they are bored. Alt