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VL6180X development board learning

Total of 1 lesson ,17 minutes and 7 seconds

VL6180X development board learning

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I would like to ask about the secondary boot problem of TMS320VC5509A, thank you
The secondary loading (Pageload) program I wrote myself can move the user program in FLASH to the RAM of DSP by connecting to the emulator in the CCS3.3 development environment and ensure its correct
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[AN-1152 Application Note] Calibrating a Single-Phase Electricity Meter Based on the ADE7816
Introduction: This application note explains how to calibrate the ADE7816. It describes the calibration procedure in detail, including formulas and examples on how to calculate each constant.
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About the problem of easy process exit
int task1() { int fd; int send_len=0; char SendBuf[300] = "com0 send test!"; fd = open("/tyCo/0",O_RDWR,0); if(fd == ERROR) { return ERROR; } ioctl(fd,FIOSETOPTIONS,OPT_RAW); ioctl(fd, FIOFLUSH,0); se
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