They are all short films of a few minutes, some are very touching, some are humorous, and some are very tender. Netizens who have worked all day can read it to relax and experience the humanistic and creative side of technology manufacturers.
I wrote an interrupt function, which can be run smoothly on Keil, but it cannot be run on Proteus, and the error displayed is a bit strange. I am using stc89c52.Please help me take a look, thank you v
#include "msp430g2553.h" void main( void ) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; //Turn off the watchdog TACTL=TASSEL_1+TACLR+MC_1; //ACLK is the clock source, clear TAR, and increase the counting mode TACCR0=5
1. Sample-by-sample processing Sample-by-sample processing means that the DSP algorithm cycles once for each input sample. For example, a 256-tap adaptive FIR filter using the LMS algorithm, assuming
[size=12px]Want to purchase ARM, DSP, FPGA, MCU, GPRS, data acquisition card, bus controller and other equipment----experiment, development, simulation and debugging[/size] [b]Purpose:[/b]Learning, de
I received the board. It's a big one. I've been busy with company stuff these days, so I did some research. It's mainly about installing the compilation environment and downloading data. Everyone enco