[img]http://group.ednchina.com/Upload/2007/10/12/d4f1cab5-c254-4ea6-a837-82a6f757023c.JPG[/img] Please give me some advice. Haha. I made this with my friends.
I want to send some data packets, and after testing, I found that the wired network card has no problem, but the wireless network card cannot send. For simple testing, these data only contain an Ether
I have been busy with work recently, and the progress of welding is slow. I finally finished welding the board last night. Current debugging records: 1. CY7C68013 can download firmware normally, and c
The register definitions in the AVR microcontroller are as follows. What are these registers? [code] ;***** I/O Register Definitions .equ SREG =$3F; Status register? .equ SPH =$3E .equ SPL =$3D .equ E
I started my graduation project at school. I want to design a microcontroller for mobile phone control. I checked some information... It's difficult. Do I need a GSM or GPRS receiving module for commu
Recently, I implemented my own customized startup screen in Bootloader, and the running effect is relatively good. At the same time, there are also some small problems. We know that: (for customized s