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The Moley robot kitchen system can fry and fry with style!

Total of 1 lesson ,1 minutes and 15 seconds

The robotic kitchen system developed by Moley Robotics from the UK is simply good news for lazy people. It claims to achieve a fully automated cooking experience.

Although it looks like there are only two robot arms, they are very flexible. The body is equipped with 129 sensors, 20 electric motors, and 24 joints. Can completely imitate the movements of human arms. What's even more amazing is that the Moley machine is a complete recipe book, it can make 2,000 kinds of food, and the number will gradually increase. Whatever you want, just tell him and he'll do it. Of course, the premise is that you have to prepare the ingredients in advance.

It seems that Teacher Chunyang is right, "The future direction is kitchen robots."

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