At 4:52 a.m. on April 9, SpaceX successfully recovered the Falcon 9 first stage rocket in the Atlantic Ocean. It is also the first time in human history that a rocket has been successfully recovered at sea. Four previous sea recoveries ended in failure, but this time, they finally succeeded.
#include "msp430x14x.h"void main (void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; //unsigned char i; /*------Select system main clock as 8MHz-------*//*BCSCTL1 = ~XT2OFF; // Turn on XT2 high frequency crystal oscil
Recently, I made a production line that uses Zigbee to notify the warehouse of material delivery. The function is very simple. When the transmitter button is pressed, the receiver will alarm and respo
Imagine driving in the early 20th century. Drivers relied on hand signals, shouting, and a little guesswork to predict what other vehicles on the road were doing. Thanks to modern rear-lighting soluti