The video tutorial "Teaching You to Learn DSP Step by Step" launched by HELLODSP is matched with the "Teaching You to Learn DSP Step by Step - Based on TMS320X281x" published by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press, as well as the development board and emulator produced by Nanjing Fourier Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. This course uses vivid language to introduce the relevant technologies of F2812 development from the shallower to the deeper.
1. Current signal acquisitionThe current signal needs to be converted into a voltage signal for acquisition, as shown in the following figure:Figure 1
After the voltage collected by the MCU ADC is con
I am now implementing the functions of heating and keeping warm. For example, if I want to heat up 100 degrees, it will stay at 100 degrees without jumping. The algorithm used is PID. But I don't know
[color=#666666][backcolor=rgb(243, 252, 253)][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]On January 22, the great scientist Stephen Hawking celebrated his 70th birthday. To celebrate, Intel helped him
[i=s]This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 11:34[/i] [size=3]Foreword[/size] [size=3]There are two basic noise forms that affect circuits: intrinsic noise and exogenous noise[/size] Exogen
I wrote a program for a running light. The program is as follows: Press key 1, and the running light will light up one light from right to left for one second; press key 2, and the running light will