Why use DSP, reasons for choosing DSP c6748, lighting up your first LED, system clock, storage space, CMD file, startup and programming, interrupts and exceptions
Does anyone have the digital-to-analog conversion circuit diagram of the pH glass electrode? Can the ADC0809 be used to perform digital-to-analog conversion on the pH glass electrode?
[size=2]People who are not suitable to learn single-chip microcomputers are likely to ask: What should I learn? --- Shouldn't you just learn the basics? You don't even know what a single-chip microcom
Why can't this program be used in stvd? /*interrupt function*/ #pragma vector=15//interrupt vector plus 2 __interrupt void TIMER2_IRQHander() { Key_Value=keyscan(); TIM2_ClearITPendingBit(TIM2_IT_UPDA
Phenomenon: 1. I use 2410 and 2440, one as server and one as client, and they can communicate normally. 2. They can also communicate normally with PC. No matter they are server or client, they can com