I just got in touch with stm8and soldered a board myself.Today, I debugged the serial port but it didn't work. I can receive but it's garbled.I used its official firmware library.Here is the example c
Reprinted from: https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/910755.htmSvalbard, Norway, located within the Arctic Circle, has turned some of its closed coal mines into repositories to preserve human civiliza
In MC3000, I used VS2003 to develop C#. How can I block the scanning sound of the device? Then make the sound I want according to the program (this step has been achieved)
[align=left][Transferred from: ADI Chinese Technology Forum][/align] [align=left][size=13px]Switching power supply is a power electronic product that uses power semiconductor devices and integrates po
Experts, I have an old product that uses EPM9560CPLD, but QUARTUS does not support MAX9000 series now. I designed it with MAXPLUS II, but the program cannot be downloaded. I would like to ask experts