Integrated circuits are one of the essential components of modern electronic systems. The design process of digital integrated circuits includes front-end design and back-end design. In the front-end design stage, on the basis of completing the digital system architecture and algorithm design, the main design is Register Transfer Level (RTL) code, and logic synthesis generates a gate-level netlist; the back-end design includes layout planning, standards Brick unit placement and routing, layout generation and inspection, etc.
This course introduces the IC design process and design methods, basic knowledge of VHDL and Verilog languages, simulation tools, basic concepts of synthesis and tool usage.
When drawing a schematic diagram, if some components cannot be found in the library, should I draw them according to the actual size of the components and the spacing standards between the pins, or sh
I don't know if anyone has used PLC. This is a ladder logic to C language converter we developed. It may be helpful for some pure bit logic control algorithms. At the same time, there are some PLC tut
A circuit that attenuates input amplitude while amplifying microphone input signals. This circuit is designed to work with earbuds and provides good speech quality even with inexpensive, less sensitiv
Reprinted from the Internet, the author is unknown.I have been the administrator of many QQ groups related to FPGA learning and discussion for many years. For a long time, many newcomers who have join
Circuit design, especially modern high-speed circuit system design, is a job that changes with each passing day as electronic technology develops. It is very interesting and challenging. The purpose o
Has anyone in the forum done research on ultrasonic binary gas concentration measurement? For example, measuring oxygen concentration in air-oxygen mixed gas. I see such sensors on the Internet, but m