Includes static timing analysis and constraint verification, integrated design environment (IDE), IP Integrator, scripted flow in Vivado Design Suite, Vivado IP flow, and Vivado In-System debugging.
Today is the first day of the new year and I am bored. {:1_142:} Update the system software library: Use the command sudo apt-get update to install the ssh server. Use the command: sudo apt-get instal
Has anyone done signal acquisition or audio processing before? How to eliminate the DC level bias of the signal collected to the WinCE board? Otherwise, the FFT spectrum will all be 0.. Does anyone kn
I would like to ask for the specific design circuit of cc2510+cc2590, and the control code of controlling cc2590; I would also like to ask how far the antenna made of pCB can transmit through the wall
[font=宋体]Previous lecture driver statement explanation: [/font] [font=Times New Roman] [/font] [font=宋体]In the previous lecture, the author gave a basic user driver statement code, now it is time to e
I made a high-level triggered latch, defined as: D is the data input terminal, Q is the output terminal, OE is the enable terminal, and G is the control terminal. When OE=1, the Q terminal is high imp
Recently, I am going to develop a module for collecting indoor temperature and humidity. Relatively speaking, there are many solutions for temperature collection, but relatively few for humidity. It i