This seminar mainly introduces a new type of 3D magnetic position sensor. It has low power consumption, small size and low cost. It is an ideal choice for human-computer interaction applications (such as mouse, game controller, door and window closing detection, etc.). This position sensor provides a wide magnetic field strength detection range (50mT), a supply voltage as low as 1.65V, and supports I2C output mode. It is a consumer-grade product that can be applied to almost all consumer rotation, linear, and three-dimensional rocker position detection applications.
STM32 and PIC16F1527 need to communicate. The communication port of PIC microcontroller is a Schmitt trigger triggered by CMOS level, with a trigger level of 0.8VDD. The VDD of PIC microcontroller is
Common abbreviations in electronics (English translation) AC (alternating current) A/D (analog to digital) ADC (analog to digital converter) ADM (adaptive delta modulation) ADPCM (adaptive differentia
The program I wrote is as follows: [code] #include "def.h" #include "option.h" #include "2440addr.h" #include "2440lib.h" static int count = 0; static void __irq EINT18_ISR(void) { rSRCPND |= (1 GPG10
Hello, everyone! I have been adjusting the Bluetooth of ST for several days, but it still doesn't work! Let me ask you experts: The master controller I use is not the master controller of ST, but Free