Use STM32 Nucleo to pry open the door to ARM mbed IDE for the Internet of Things. mbed specifically includes three parts: free software library (SDK), hardware reference design (HDK) and online tools (Web).
Product structure disassemblyMechanical structure and socketThis disassembly finally allowed me to see the structure of the anti-accidental touch baffle of the socket that I have always wanted to unde
1.1 Op Amp Basics Step 1: Connecting DC Power Op amps must always be supplied with DC power, so it is best to configure these connections before adding any other circuit components. Figure 1 shows o
I use SetTimer(1,1000,NULL) in my application. In OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent): PlaySound (TEXT("A.wav"), NULL, SND_SYNC); The sound comes out once a second for the first 30 seconds, then a little slower ea
1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of C language and assembly language when developing microcontrollers? Answer : Assembly language is a symbolic language that uses text mnemonics to represen
TI boothVarious launchpad boosterpacksThe scene was still very livelyThis dad is very stylishHaha, the atmosphere is great, isn’t it? It’s a carnival for electronics enthusiasts.