Learn how choosing a secure element can reduce project risk and save money, and learn how configuring encryption keys can significantly reduce costs and risks during product development and production. Overview of the benefits of reducing cost and risk using Microchip Secure Elements such as the ATECC608 and leveraging trusted platform tools and in-house provisioning services as your security foundation.
If you encounter such trolls, add them to the blacklist, then neither of you can see each other's posts, how nice :pleased: [url=https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-647827-1-1.html]https://bbs.eeworld.c
[i=s]This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 12:47 [ attach]93742[/attach] When designing anything from blood glucose meters, digital blood pressure meters, and cholesterol meters to health
I have spent a week studying the STM8 Touch Sensing Library,but I still don't fully understand the code,especially the IIR filter in MultiChannelKey.I finally realized how stupid I am.Can I just use i
As the title of the question says! I originally referred to some codes to build a serial communication program for the wince platform. Later, one of my supervisors said, "It is best not to use threads
Circuit Function and BenefitsThe traditional method of converting the complementary current output of a wideband DAC to a single-ended signal is to use a center-tapped transformer or a single op amp i
[backcolor=rgb(254, 254, 254)]There have been many large building collapses in the past few years. This news is not the first, nor will it be the last. No one knows who will be the next innocent victi