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Total of 4 lessons ,10 minutes and 33 seconds

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LED switch power supply selection and use precautions
[hide] 1. The power cord of the metal casing is generally connected to the ground (FG) of the casing. It must be reliably grounded to ensure safety. Do not mistakenly connect the casing to the neutral
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Give a signal, the LED light will gradually turn on and off
As the title says, I have consulted LED driver chips, and they said that it can only be achieved by simulating PWM signals with a single-chip microcomputer. I am new to microcontrollers. Could you ple
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[RT-Thread Reading Notes] Part 2 (1) Porting, Running and Thread Management
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[Core Route FPGA Learning] Core Route FPGA Learning Kit Downloader Driver Installation Instructions
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Phase Shift
Does anyone know of a phase-shifting chip, preferably one with a larger bandwidth that can achieve the phase-shifting function? I want to phase-shift a signal within a certain bandwidth and hope to ge
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The problem of unstable voltage regulation of thyristor with thermocouple temperature measurement
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