PX4 consists of two main parts: the flight stack, which mainly includes state estimation and flight control systems; and the middleware, which is a general robotics application layer that supports any type of autonomous robot and is mainly responsible for the robot's internal/external communication and hardware integration.
All drone models supported by PX4 (including other platforms such as unmanned ships, unmanned vehicles, and unmanned underwater vehicles) share the same code base. The entire system adopts a reactive design, which means that
all functions can be divided into several replaceable and reusable components.
Communication is carried out through asynchronous messaging.
The system can cope with different workloads.
Since I need to sample 11 channels, I have two questions:1. Please recommend a more suitable AD sampling chip.2. Is it better to receive the AD sampling results using SPI or multi-channel buffering?
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I entered > nios2configtool --ptf=$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/examples/verilog/niosII_cyclone_1c20/standard/NiosII_cyclone_1c20_standard.ptf --cpu=cpu in the Nios II Command Shell, and then it popped up a dialog
[font=微软雅黑][size=4]When Bluetooth 5.0 meets the next generation of smart wearables~Listen to the experts from TI Technical Committee tell you! Live broadcast time: April 25th, 10:00-11:30 am [color=Re