The meaning of the term "high-power LED" is rapidly evolving. Although a 350mA LED could easily be labeled "high power" a few years ago, the situation today is that 5A to 40A LEDs and laser diodes are widely used in DLP projectors, surgical equipment, stage lighting, Automotive lighting and other applications traditionally illuminated by high-intensity bulbs. To meet the light output requirements of such applications, high-power LEDs are often connected in series. The problem is: multiple LEDs connected in series require a high voltage LED driver circuit. Furthermore, LED driver design is further complicated by the many applications that require fast LED current response to pulse-width modulated (PWM) dimming signals. The new LT®3763 is a 60V synchronous, step-down DC/DC controller designed to accurately regulate LED current up to 20A and enable fast PWM dimming. It is a higher voltage version of its earlier counterparts, the LT3743 and LT3741. In addition to its higher voltage, the LT3763 features four regulation loops, making it easy to design efficient, versatile, and rugged circuits. Watch the video to learn more. Video Speaker: Walker Bai, Head of Applications Engineering Department, Power Products
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I saw this sentence in the data sheet of an ADC: [i]When EN2 = 0, the 3 dB input bandwidth is set to 28 MHz, and [/i] [i]When EN2 = 1, the 3 dB input bandwidth is set to 9 MHz. Only when the sampling
I use STC89LE52RC microcontroller to generate 600Hz square wave with timer 0. Set the timer interrupt to be generated every 1/1200 second, and the IO port is flipped once. Timer 0 is used to generate