MPLAB® Code Configurator is a plug-in tool with a friendly graphical user interface in MPLAB programming. Based on the previous experiment, this video continues to introduce how to use the MPLAB code configurator to configure the enhanced PWM module, and use the generated code to generate the output of the enhanced PWM.
I use Timer_A3. I use all three timers, one for PWM output, one for capture, and another for timer. But I found that PWM is affected by capture, but the book says they are independent of each other! C
Live replay: Infineon's products for frequency conversion home appliances and small and medium-power industrial frequency conversion control: iMOTION?:
I like to play with smart phones. Recently, 3G network is very popular, so I also joined in the fun. Not only did I change my phone, but I also bought a WCDMA 186 package last month. Now it is only ha
I don't mean to paste a circular picture. I want the button to be circular. I see there is a concept of Region, but CE does not seem to support the API for creating a circular Region: CreateEllipticRg
RT, in Samsung's own 6410->oal->timer.c, there are two sentences [color=#FF0000]#ifdef ENABLE_WATCH_DOG OALInitWatchDogTimer (); #endif[/color] After defining ENABLE_WATCH_DOG, the watchdog program ca
lib rar y IEEE ; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all ; use IEEE.numeric_std.all ; entity key1 is port ( Clk_I : in std_logic ;Rst_I : in std_logic ;key_I : in std_logic ;key_