Live Replay: Microchip uses motorBench® Development Kit to efficiently develop motor field-oriented control solutions

Live Replay: Microchip uses motorBench® Development Kit to efficiently develop motor field-oriented control solutions

MicrochipmotorBenchMotor magnetic fieldDirectional control

The motorBench® development kit is a graphical software development tool launched by Microchip specifically for field-oriented control (FOC) solutions. It can accurately measure key motor parameters within a certain range, automatically generate feedback control loop gains, and generate engineering source code based on the MCAF (Motor Control Application Framework) architecture. The test component test-harness provided by the motorBench software can put the controller in test mode to test the frequency response characteristics of the system and adjust the PI parameters to appropriate values ​​in a very short continuous interval. The tool allows users to reconfigure hardware peripherals and perform code migration between different devices. Users can use these features to significantly improve development efficiency.

Total of 1 lessons36 minutes and 35 seconds




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