The three op amps integrated in MSP430FG439 are not clearly labeled on the datasheet. Is there any relevant Chinese information? I am really confused! Can these op amps set their own amplification mul
The group purchase is done, and the netizens who participated in the group purchase cannot let the board idle, so they want to play with it, so I want to ask for your opinions, where do you want to st
Excuse me, I display a bitmap (×.BMP) on XP, and the SetDIBitsToDevice call displays the image. I use the same code on VC2008 and a PPC2003 project, but SetDIBitsToDevice receives the same parameters,
Use the sci query method to communicate with the PC, run after debugging, and use the serial port debugging assistant to communicate with the PC. After unplugging the USB and then connecting the compu