• Duration:31 minutes and 36 seconds
  • Date:2020/06/03
  • Uploader:EE大学堂
keywords: air conditioner Smart MM32

Introduction to the inverter air conditioning system, sharing of home heating and cooling inverter air conditioner application solutions based on the Smart MM32SPIN series MCU

Features of the solution:

Fan/Compressor/PFC ALL IN ONE CHIP solution

Compressor vibration suppression function

Motor drive supports single/double resistance sampling

SVPWM control

SMO + PLL Motor angle estimation

PFC function

Level 1 energy efficiency

Sensorless sinusoidal wave drive BLDC fan& Compressor

Overcurrent Protection Overvoltage

/Undervoltage Protection Stalled Rotor


Phase Loss Detection

Solution Specifications:

AC power supply AC: 220V ±15%, 50/60Hz

Compressor control carrier frequency: 5~8K HZ

PFC frequency: 15K HZ

BLDC fan Carrier frequency: 16K HZ

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