I bought the smallest system board of msp430 one and a half years ago, and I played with it a while ago. Now my company needs to develop a low-power circuit board, which is exactly what I need. So I a
To realize interface capture and printing, the following code was written: HDC hScrDC, hMemDC; int scr_width_pels, scr_height_pels; BITMAPINFO RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmBITMAPFILEHEADER;
;P Here is another clickbait title. I have compiled all the PK topics up to July 16th, and I hope you will participate: Fighting Together with me in July! 1. Do I need to learn assembly language to le
The FM33LC0/LG0 series microcontrollers launched by Fudan Micro have added another brilliant touch to the domestic MCU. This series of MCUs are all 32-bit Cortex-M0 core products, with ultra-low power
I would like to ask a question about a dc-dc converter. Requirements: Input: DC 9-24v Output: DC 2.5V 1.5A Output ripple Vp-p≤80mv Efficiency η≥75% Thank you, please advise!!!