I am using Xuanwei's programmer, and the port connections are all correct. I have checked that there is an error in reading chip words when downloading. There is something wrong with the target board.
In my system, I use the port of 430f149 to drive max7219 (digital tube display), and I also add a triode for level conversion. The same program runs completely normally under 51, but it can never disp
[color=#333333][font=Arial]I got three NFC self-adhesive labels from old machines by chance. The original manufacturer used NFC labels on the consumables in order to monopolize the consumables. Later,
[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 20:02[/i]IMS Research: Media Players, PCs, Display Drivers Near $5 Billion in Digital Signage Revenues
According to an analysis by IMS Res
I made an edit box under the dialog box. Because the edit box is relatively large, the original word output is relatively small. I don’t want to change the size of the edit box. I want to know how to
In the global energy-saving car competition Shell Eco-Marathon, hundreds of student teams compete every year with their self-developed energy-saving cars. They do not race, but challenge to complete t