[font=微软雅黑][size=4]Today is Programmers' Day, I wish you all a happy holiday! [/size][/font]:pleased: [font=微软雅黑][size=4]Some people say that programmers are born, they learned 1024 kinds of "language
1. Principle of thyristor The thyristor is a P1N1P2N2 four-layer three-terminal structure element with three PN junctions. When analyzing the principle, it can be regarded as composed of a PNP tube an
#define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define fosc 120000 #define bps 9600 /*LED_Buffer[16] is used to store the data sent by the serial port, com_dat is used to reco
I would like to ask the experts , I am new to AVR microcontrollers , and now I want to measure the voltage and pulse width of a signal , but the pulse width of the signal is only 3us. I don't know whi