In this circuit, the negative input terminal of the op amp does not meet the "virtual short" condition, and its voltage is higher than the input. Can anyone explain this? Thank you very much!
[font=微软雅黑][size=3]Do you know the basics of battery chargers? Do you know the different structures of battery charging systems? Do you know about the emerging wireless charging? If you still have a l
I need 3 examples, about the infrared transmission and reception of MSP430F149, infrared decoding and 74HC165 parallel to serial development board examples. Some friends can help me, thank you.
I want to port VXWORKS to S3C4510B. The host has one serial port, so I use TSFS target file server to download the VXWORKS image. /* base of Flash/EPROM 16 MB */ #define ROM_TEXT_ADRS ROM_BASE_ADRS /*
I got the board a few days ago. The original board already has an Arduino interface. Today I used a sensor expansion board to develop the DHT11 single-bus temperature and humidity sensor.The blue part
[align=left][color=rgb(62, 62, 62)][b]I. Main performance parameters of ESD devices[/b] 1. Maximum working voltage (Max Working Voltage) The voltage (effective value) allowed to be continuously applie