Hello everyone, I just got in touch with DSP. I am working on a small project about Bluetooth headsets. I use CSR's bluecore05 chip, which has an integrated kalimba dsp for voice data processing. Howe
[p=24, null, left][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][font=simsun, Arial]Cold storage temperature sensor is a kind of temperature sensor. As its name shows, the application occasions of cold storage temperature sens
Simply put, a resistive touch screen is a sensor that uses pressure sensing to control and convert the physical position of the touch point (X, Y) in a rectangular area into a voltage repre
[i=s]This post was last edited by dcexpert on 2016-5-16 23:02[/i] Some netizens may not know how to learn MicroPython, and where to find introductory routines. In fact, in the MicroPython source code,
[i=s]This post was last edited by Digital Leaf on 2022-4-19 08:26[/i]The HDF (Hardware Driver Foundation) driver framework provides driver developers with driver framework capabilities, including driv