• Duration:39 minutes and 7 seconds
  • Date:2017/05/16
  • Uploader:老白菜
This set of information security introduction video tutorials is taught by Mr. Li Hui from Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology. Reference textbooks include "Modern Cryptography" edited by Yang Bo published by Tsinghua University Press, "Information Security Theory and Technology" edited by China Information Security Product Evaluation and Certification Center published by People's Posts and Telecommunications Press, and Wang Yumin and Liu Jianwei published by Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Press He edited three textbooks including "Communication Network Security and Confidentiality".
Introduction to Information Security is a very important professional basic course for computer major students, which mainly talks about password-related knowledge. The main contents of this set of information security introduction include: introduction to information security, cryptography basics, stream ciphers, block ciphers, public key cryptography, key distribution and key management, message authentication and hash algorithms, digital signatures and cryptographic protocols, network encryption and Authentication, firewall and access control, intrusion detection and auditing, etc. I hope this set of information security introduction video tutorials will be helpful to everyone's learning.
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