How to use MFRC522 to create an RFID card reader security system
Source: InternetPublisher:supremeOne Keywords: RFID MFRC522 Updated: 2024/08/23
Have you ever thought about adding an RFID tag security system or surveillance system to your home or office? Well, if you've made it this far, you've probably checked before, and they range in price from $200 to $2,000. That's a bit too expensive!
So I decided to build a system with a friend for less than $100 that can do more than just open a door. This is the project we came up with. An internet-enabled Arduino rfid tag reader. Just spend $20 more on the basics to open the door automatically.
You might think this might take a long time, however this only took me about 6 hours (because I had power issues), but this might take you about 30 minutes to set up, just like the example above. It's all there below, so if you get confused in the next steps, keep checking it out.
Here are all the steps:
Before we begin (essential)
Before we start scanning cards and sending them to our Telnet/TCP server we need some libraries get UIPEthernet here
Get the MFRC522 here:
Put these two libraries into Program Files (x86)/Arduino/Libraries/ Restart arduino
Arduino Nano (you can always modify the code to fit your device)
MFRC522 with MAIFARE card
Jumper wires (male to male) (male to female)
enc28j60 Ethernet module/shield
3V or 5V AC-DC converter with >700 mil amperes
set up
Connect the arduino to the breadboard (if it is a nano or micro)
Look up your board's pinout online to find the SPI settings (change the values below)
Connect arduino pin 10 (SS) to ethernet module ss or CS
Connect arduino pin 12 (MISO) to rfid MISO and ethernet SO
Connect arduino pin 11 (MOSI) to rfid MOSI and ethernet SI
Connect arduino pin 13 (SCK) to rfid SCK and ethernet SCK
Connect arduino pin 9 to rfid RST pin
Connect arduino pin 8 to rfid SSN
Connect arduino pin 5 to green led, 4 to blue and 3 to red
Connect AC to DC to the + and - on the breadboard
Connect your arduino ground to AC to DC
Connect VCC and GND on the rfid and ethernet to ac-dc (remember these devices are only 3v! do not supply 5v) if you have problems use a resistor to raise the voltage to 3v
Connect the VCC pin on the LED to the arduino 3v or ac-dc 3v
Connect an Ethernet cable to the module and make sure it is on the same network as your computer
Plug the USB cable from your computer to the arduino
Connect your computers to the same network
Modify the code to suit your needs
The code is well commented so you can go in and modify certain parts, but the ehternet module is definitely the best choice.
The Mac address can remain the same (unless you plan to build more than one)
If you are using 192.168. Basic ip network you can keep ip
Again you can keep the dns, the only change is to
Run ipconfig to find your gateway, the default is if you don't know it (currently it's
Run command prompt and type ipconfig to find out your computer's IP address
Scroll down to find Send to Server and enter your computer's ip, or if you have port forwarding your router to your public ip address
Make sure you have Python and a server running (remember this is just sample code we use for demonstrations to schools, so the python server is pre-made and requires little modification, you can use any Telnet/TCP server)
Other code you may need to modify:
Run the code
Plug the AC-DC power supply into the wall
Make sure your arduino is currently connected to your computer
Make sure both devices are on the same network
Flash your modified arduino code or if the one I worked for you is fine (there is almost no chance that you have to modify it)
Launch your Python, C++ script or any Telnet/TCP server on the network
Reboot your arduino to be safe
Wait until the light turns blue and try to scan the card, if your server gets the ID of the card then you are good to go
Remember the meaning of the indicator light Purple/light red means it is starting
Red indicates any errors, such as the card being at a weird angle and/or the server not responding in a timely manner
Green means passed, so the server responded with a pass and you can read the next card
Blue means waiting/loading waiting for a card or response
If your arduino starts to lag and takes more than 30 seconds to show the red light, it means that the arduino ethernet module is simply not able to connect to the server. This could be caused by a number of reasons, firstly your arduino does not have enough power and the arduino ethernet module is struggling to send packets, or your computer server is not running, or your arduino and computer are not on the same network.
If your Arduino keeps lagging, try these tips to fix them
Turn off Windows Firewall
Go into Advanced Firewall settings and allow inbound/outbound port 23
Use port 23 to forward your router to your computer
If you are connecting arduino wirelessly connect it directly to the router and your computer to the same
Purchase a more durable AC-DC power adapter. Otherwise, you may have entered the wrong IP address or connection address.
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