Simple light-controlled street light circuit (2)
Source: InternetPublisher:宋元浩 Keywords: Light controlled street light BSP Updated: 2021/06/11
The light-pressing street lamp introduced has a simple circuit and is easy to use. The current flowing through the bulb is full
AC, so the lamp is in a normal light-emitting state. Its brightness
is much brighter than the half-voltage power supply introduced by E, and the electronic circuit
and the bulb adopt a two-wire connection to simplify installation.
The 220V alternating current is rectified by VD1-VD4 and added
between the anode and cathode of the thyristor VT, providing
the necessary forward voltage for the thyristor to turn on. Whether the opening of VT is also
controlled by the voltage dividing ratio of (R+ RP) and Rl, the natural light is
strong during the day, RL has low resistance , the voltage dividing ratio is small, VT f J is extremely
low level , VT is in the off state, and the light F does not light up; when night falls, shine on R1. The light is weak. RL
presents high resistance and the increased voltage dividing ratio provides a higher non-directional triggering voltage for VT. Therefore, VT is turned on and the street
lamp F lights up. Adjust the resistance of the trimming resistor RP to change the voltage dividing ratio and
the light control sensitivity of the nf adjustment circuit .
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