HM9900 touch delayed lights out circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:containsmachine Keywords: Touch type HM BSP Updated: 2020/07/24
It is a touch-sensitive relay light circuit made using HM9900 special integrated circuit . The integrated
circuit has one I, F, and D drive input..., which can drive the light-emitting diode LED glow, so that L can find its
position. The
HM9900 integrated
circuit is manufactured using CMOS T
technology. The power supply
voltage range is 68~
9V, the operating current is ≤
0 SmA, and the delay time
is 60siOs.
HMq900 adopts 8-pin
black paste soft package.
The functions of each pin are: ④ pin
CK, which is the synchronous clock
signal input terminal; ② pin FI, which is the (iOHz, 75011z AC frequency input terminal); ③ pin V., which is the electrical a positive terminal; ④
pin TI, is the touch sensing input terminal; ⑤ pin ce, is the sensitivity control input terminal; ⑥ pin I, EDN, is the LED
drive output terminal; ⑦ pin v is the negative terminal of the power supply; ⑧ pin AT, It is the pulse signal output terminal to drive the trigger
thyristor VTH. Touch the electrode sheet M once, the bulb E will light up, and after a delay of 60s, the light will
go out Touch it again, and F will light up again. This circuit adopts the "_ wire system "Connection method can directly replace the ordinary /f
switch without changing the original indoor wiring.
In addition to the 8-pin soft package, HM9900 also has a 10-pin SSOPIOI. In the package form, the corresponding pin
names of ①~⑩ pins are: CK, FI , V.c,,TI,I,EDN,CI,(1G,v...AT and DS. When using 1. pin to package
the HM 9900 integrated circuit , (,G, DS pins should be connected to V_,., The connection method of other common pins is
the same as Figure 1 35.
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