Intermediate frequency amplifier circuit with neutralization circuit commonly used in radios
Source: InternetPublisher:aerobotics Keywords: IF radio amplifier circuit Updated: 2021/08/24
The circuit of an intermediate frequency amplifier with a neutralization circuit commonly used in radios is shown in the figure. The reference values of
parameters are as follows:
1) Transistor: VT1 is 3DG19, Vcc= 6V.
2) Resistor: Rhl - 50kCZ, Rh2 =lOkfl, Re, -lkfl.
3) Capacitance: cl-G =o. OlyF. Bar=200pF, CN=6pF. The intermediate frequency amplifier with a neutralizing circuit can ensure the stable operation of the intermediate frequency
due to the addition of the neutralizing circuit. The circuit is simple and it is an
amplifier circuit with good performance.
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