Wiring b when leakage protector in TN system supplies three-phase balanced load
Source: InternetPublisher:走马观花 Keywords: Wiring leakage protector BSP Updated: 2021/02/27
Wiring b when leakage protector in TN system supplies three-phase balanced load
TN system, that is, the neutral point on the power side is directly grounded.
In the figure, the TN-C system is a three-phase four-wire system in which the working neutral line N and the protective neutral line PE are combined into a PEN line; the TN-S system neutral line N cannot be connected to the neutral of
other equipment or lines without leakage protectors. Line N is shared and is not allowed to be connected to the protective neutral line
PE, equipment metal shells, wire steel pipes and other metal parts connected to the earth . That is to say,
a system with three phase lines, a general neutral line N and a protective neutral line PE (PE is led separately from the neutral point of the transformer) through the leakage system
is also called a five-wire system.
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