Incandescent lamp dimming circuit using thyristor Part 6
Source: InternetPublisher:同住地球村 Keywords: Thyristor incandescent lamp dimming circuit BSP Updated: 2021/01/18
(6) The sixth incandescent lamp dimming circuit using thyristor
The circuit is shown in Figure 2-71. It uses a trigger circuit composed of bidirectional thyristors and single-junction transistors, and has good dimming effect.
The pulse transformer TM can use a ferrite core, and both the primary and secondary are wound with 60 to 80 turns of enameled wire with a diameter
of 0.2mm; it can also use a 6mm×8mm E-shaped silicon steel sheet core, and both the primary and secondary use a diameter of 0.2mm. Each enameled wire is wound with
300 turns.
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