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Multi-sound sound system design using UPC1892

Source: InternetPublisher:D先生 Keywords: UPC1892 Audio Design Updated: 2023/11/21

The entire circuit is divided into two parts: the first part uses the four-channel surround sound processing chip μPCI892 produced by Japan's NEC Company (see picture). It is equipped with amplifier, low-pass filter, mode control, phase shift, effect processing, compensation absorption, Tone, volume and balance circuits. Pins (25) and (26) of the chip are the input terminals of the left and right channel signals respectively. After amplification and processing by the internal circuit, they are divided into four signals, which are output by pins (9), (12) to (14) respectively. The four-way power amplifier in the second part (see Figure 2) can produce a wonderful four-dimensional surround sound effect.

The chip also presets three sound field effects: concert hall, cinema and simulated stereo. The sound field effect switching is controlled by the level of pins (7) and (8) of the chip, as shown in the table below. You can select through S1 and S2 during use. Potentiometer RPl is for music effect control, RP2 is for output level control, RP3 is for front left and right channel volume control, RP4 is for rear surround sound volume control, RP5 is for bass control, and RP6 is for treble control.


UPC1892 application circuit diagram---multi-sound effect sound system UPC1892 typical application

Effect mode pin number
⑦feet ⑧feet
Off (no effect) low level low level
Concert hall effect high level low level
Cinema effect low level high level
Analog stereo effect high level high level
The second part shown in the figure below consists of the Fool series power amplifier module D-200 and Fool 275 with few peripheral components. D-200 has a maximum undistorted output power of 200W, a rated undistorted output power of 100W, and an operating voltage range of 55±5V. The power supply voltage used by the Fool 275 module is ±15V ~ ±32V, and the ultimate operating voltage does not exceed ±34V.
Fool 275 power amplifier circuit diagram, D-200 power amplifier circuit diagram





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