[align=left][color=rgb(85, 85, 85)][size=3] Description of the problem: During online debugging of F28004x, if CCS is used to reset it, the program will stop at 0x3FB02A and cannot continue to run aft
D:\1\Thread\ThreadDlg.cpp(91) : error C2664: 'CreateThread' : cannot convert parameter 3 from 'unsigned long (void *)' to 'unsigned long (__cdecl *)(void *)'None of the
There are two EDITs, each with an [OK] button. Enter a word in the first EDIT and press the OK button behind it, and the timer will start. If you cannot enter the correct letter in the second EDIT wit
When I was writing code for STM32F051, I used the operation __attribute__((at(0x800F800))) to locate the data at the specified address. However, only one BIN file was generated. I found that all the u