[size=7][font=宋体][size=5]I did some arm development some time ago, mainly writing arm startup software and porting uCOS-II to arm7. My experience is very basic, and it is all very basic. Now I share i
What would you like to do with the C2000? Quad-axis? Inverter? I don’t know if you still remember Beidou, China’s own global satellite navigation system, launched last December. [/font][/color][color=
A DLL, an exe project, loading the dll using the #pragma comment lib format, it can run under EVC; but now it needs to be ported to ce6, compiled with vs2005, deployed successfully, but it can't run.
The conversion rate of the ADC12 is a function of the ADC12CLK and the clock required for the conversion . The approximate minimum and maximum values of the ADC12CLK are 500kHz and 6.5MHz respectively