[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 03:49[/i]Dear heroes:I am learning 430 single chip microcomputer. I have a 25-pin parallel port emulator, but my computer does not have this por
void main( void ) { [color=#ff0000] P1DIR = 0Xff; P1OUT = 0Xff; //When initializing the IO port, this sentence is added and the interrupt is directly entered even without pressing any button.
According to statistics, 50% of Bluetooth technology is used for embedded and bundled mobile phones, 30% is used for Bluetooth headsets, and a total of 80% of Bluetooth products are related to mobile
(I) First, make a SD card for booting the system. (II) Copy the burned image to the SD card. Copy the files in the directory of \disk\Android4.0.4\image to the root directory of the SD card. (III) Bur