Hello everyone, I am using STM32 to control a two-phase stepper motor for simple rotation. The motor driver chip I chose is L298N, which is connected between the CPU and the motor. The driving method
Recruiting FPGA training lecturers (full-time or part-time) Job description: 1. Complete the teaching tasks of FPGA-related training courses; 2. Complete the popularization and promotion of FPGA techn
In I2C communication, sometimes the host cannot receive the ACK response from the slave, and the SDA line will be pulled dead (low level). Can you give me some advice?
I want to develop these softwares based on freertos, but I am currently stuck at the interrupt nesting part and cannot run them in freertos.I haven't started working on the USB yet, but I'm going to p
Because the microcontroller also needs to control two motors with PWM at the same time, do you have a suitable peripheral circuit to decode the two encoders? It would be best if the data of the two en