I have been studying the MSP430 timer for the past two days and found it quite troublesome. Here are some of my learning experiences:
There is only TIMER A interrupt on MSP430G2211, so here we discuss
Single screen has 2×16 characters, each character has 5×10 (5×7) black dots. Does anyone know some command words for this module, such as clear screen, line break, full screen, etc.? Thanks if you can
It is recommended that you post relevant progress photos, information, etc. in a timely manner, and raise any problems you encounter in a timely manner, so as to produce high-quality DIY works as soon
(1) The eight colored lights gradually light up from left to right, with an interval of 1 second. (2) The eight colored lights gradually turn off from right to left, with an interval of 1 second. (3)