1.What is the starting address after DSP reset?
2. What are the steps to burn a program into the emulator?
Burn the program to the specified location according to the cmd file and then execut
Sino-American Ai*ti*Tech, .NET Foreign Enterprise Software Engineer Class will start on September 10, 2007. The first week of the class is free for trial. Welcome to sign up! Company website: http://w
I am a newbie, and I am planning to use TG12864A to make a simple function of displaying scrolling Chinese characters from left to right. But I have no idea. Could you please teach me the specific pri
[table][tr][td][b]1. HDL is not a hardware design language[/b] In the past, I have encountered many VHDL or Verilog HDL beginners asking similar questions, such as how to implement division, square ro
void main(void){ WDTCTL=WDTPW+WDTHOLD;_DINT();nSend_TX1=0;nTX1_Len=0;Init_CLK();//Clock initializationInit_UART1();//Serial port initializationnTX1_Len=init(pBuf);Init_TimerA();_EINT();LPM2;}#pragma v