1. FrameRefer to "JN-AN-1001-Power-Estimation.pdf"All information operations in the 802.15.4 MAC layer are based on the symbol rate . When operating at 2.4-GHz, the symbol rate is defined as 62500 sym
I am learning modelsim simulation and synopsys synthesis. Usually in synopsys we can use the following settings to generate netlist set SYNOPSYS_LIB /usr/synopsys/libraries/syn set target_library "$SY
The protector made of 430 MCU and SIM300 module uses SMS to control the device. Now there is a problem. When the protector is powered off, the device will not execute the command when it is turned on,
The memory using hierarchical word line structure divides the entire storage array into several identical sub-arrays. Compared with the non-hierarchical word line structure, it requires multi-level wo