[table=98%] [tr][td]I use the ccs5.2 version, using the AD sampling routine in ti's controlSUITE, the path is C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\f2833x\v132\DSP2833x_examples_ccsv4\adc_soc, the problem
1. There are digital ground and analog ground in a DC-DC chip. How should these two grounds be handled? 2. I need two such chips on my board, one of which is used to power the digital circuit (provide
The two HSYNCs are horizontal blanking and vertical blanking, which made me a little confused at first.https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00373474-digital-camera-interface-dcmi-on-stm32
My boss just talked to me. He wanted me to come up with a plan to achieve 5KW audio amplification. He didn't mention any other specific requirements. He just said it was for warships. I went to Xisi A
It's like this, I want to define a union such as union data { char buff [100]; strcut shuju { int aa; char bb; int ee; ..... ..... }data; } Now I convert the received data and store it in data; then I