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  • Verilog language assignment method
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  • Duration:2 minutes and 54 seconds
  • Date:2019/12/13
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: FPGA Motor EDA
 EDA technology refers to Electronic Design Automation (Electronic Design Automation) technology. It is an electronic design technology that uses computers as a working platform and integrates the latest achievements in electronic technology, computer technology, and intelligent technology. Broadly speaking, it includes IC design, electronic circuit design, PCB design, and electronic circuit simulation.

This course mainly focuses on the application of programmable logic devices (such as CPLD, FPGA) in the field of digital electronic system design. The characteristic of the course is that teaching is carried out through typical examples. By imitating the examples, learners can quickly master the Verilog HDL language and the basic design methods of programmable logic devices in a short time, so as to play a role in course design, graduation projects, and scientific research, and improve themselves. practical ability, computer application ability and innovation ability.

In addition, this course also provides the majority of learners with engineering practice cases "Touch Screen Pinball Game Design" and "FPGA-based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Control System". It also provides the top-level scheme of the system and the design methods of each module to develop learners. perspective, providing powerful assistance for an in-depth understanding of the course.
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