What is the AC path from the output of the bipolar amplifier composed of T3 and T4 in the above circuit, that is, the AC signal at collector point B to the base of T6 and T8?
When calling an ASM function with KEIL C, I don't know how to set public variables, that is, how to reference variables shared with the C program in the assembly program. Please give me some advice, t
I use the timer_A of MSP430F149 to generate PWM wave to drive the stepper motor. When I set the output PWM wave frequency to 4KHZ, it freezes, but when I set it to other frequencies, it can run normal
This watchdog has a reset timeout setting input pin, a watchdog timeout input pin (grounding can disable the watchdog), a watchdog detector selection pin, and a watchdog detector input pin. What is th
The output of the pH sensor includes pH output and voltage output. What is the difference between them? :Sad: And how to modulate the output into pH value? :surrender: