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  • Duration:9 minutes and 45 seconds
  • Date:2020/01/15
  • Uploader:木犯001号
This course mainly introduces classical control theory, intelligent control theory and related experiments, and contains 11 chapters in total. The following goals are achieved through course teaching:
(1) To enable students to master the basic concepts and experimental principles of classical control theory and intelligent control theory, and master commonly used calculation methods and analysis methods in the time domain and frequency domain.
(2) Enable students to connect theory with practice, design experimental algorithms through MATLAB programming, and independently complete simulation experiments

(3) Enable students to understand the relationship between automatic control technology and other disciplines such as artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing, and combine automation technology with other emerging technologies to promote the country’s intelligent development.

Courseware http://download.eeworld.com.cn/detail/%E6%9C%A8%E7%8A%AF001%E5%8F%B7/608428

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